kafka on the shore

kafkaontheshore content to drift

Biography (2008-2011)

sean conley: drums, guitars, bass, keyboards and sounds

Sean’s instrumental solo project. Started in february 2008 and songs for the e.p. “killing time and injuring eternity” were released in a small run of tapes march 2009 .the full-length “content to drift” was released on tape may 2009.

these songs are designed to be listened to with headphones.”

This project ended in 2011.

the sr011 “killing time and injuring eternity” e.p. is now available as a free digital download:

“your music sounded to me really contemplative and melancholic.”

“calm instrumental stuff – very soothing and nice – great for reading”-ifb records”when i first heard your music, i felt like i was tuning into something that had been playing for a very long time…”

“the sound of distant drums in an underground cave filled with pirates treasure.”

“content to drift”:

“minimalistic, instrumental indie pop from the bassist of dolcim. sean utilizes a lot of found sounds to create atmospheres. each track is more of a vignette than a song”-icfyc/meatcube records

“a contrast between modest melodies and “textural” noise, between “slow” and “up tempo…”

“we tripped out to “content to drift” on the open highway. it was serious.”


sr011: kafka on the shore e.p. killing time and injuring eternity march 2009

digital download re-release february 2011

open water records tennessee compilation
april 2009

sr012: kafka on the shore “content to drift” full-length tape may 2009






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